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robaer & beatnut5 -chemical lab (club mix)
new robaer & beantnut5 huge electro / progressive house bomb


genre: electro house
label: robeat5 records
katalognummer: robeat5 005
ean: 4250325315204
tracklist: chemical lab (club mix)

releasedate: 11/24/08


erhältlich bei:

musicload, itunes, amazon, napster, aol,rhapsody, emusic, jamba/jamster, dtc, trackitdown, junorecords, junodownload, djdownload.com, djtunes.com, globalgroovedigital,
dancetunes.com, audiojelly, beatsdigital, dancemusichub, m8, akuma, webrecords.com, mp3.de, mixmag, fairtracks, roccatune, musicaonline, mediagigant, glandigomusic.com, q
music, mikkimusic, stermusic, dogsonacid, zazell.nl, tonlist.is, megamedia, judgemusic, djshop (de/at/ch), vinyl 24, vinyl-distribution(co.uk/com/nl)

Hier ein Paar statements zu diesen Track :


„The techy synth hits immediately cought my ear! Great production as well!! This gets me and my crowd going!! 9/10 Ben Santo (8Seasons, Munich, Space Ibiza Tour Germany, Diamondhouse Records)”


““nice kick man! this is very progressive and that synth u talk about it cought my hear too!!its reaaly good. 1.35 is great!! lovin the riser. could it be longer?and then explode at 2.12.. just an opinian. its well constructed rithmatically speakin. its reaaly good! and there you go with my 10/10 Pete Decastro (Portugal)”


“Love the play on the hats! pads are pretty decent just sound a little dead in comparison to the leads? Air siren sounding pad adds a nice touch by the way... 3min mark goes off.. break down kicks are a little muzzled for my liking maybe crisp them up? otherwise, great work here. would go down well as a dub track within some of my house sets @ home nightclub! DJ Adrenaline (Australia)”


“hey d this is the new bomb shit track for the club !! i loveee lovee this progressive minimal electro you made here .. this sound something like kraftwerk and tocadisco stuff .. love the bassline and the synth work .. love how it works with all the percussions really hard to make a percussion like u did here .. really nice breaks broo and greate fx for the listener make those breaks make the track not repetitive ... i love how you play with the delay ... keep up robaer and beat beatnut5 !! Eoliveira (Australia)”

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