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Salvatore Pierro - Claymore



Label : Delectable records | Year : 2008
This is the first ever Ep from Salvatore Pierro, our new producer from Naples, Italy. His style can be defined as Electro – Minimal – Techno. The first track, called " Claymore " is a really potential dancefloor hit, in fact it's the typical release which can make the disco litterally explode with its unbelievably solemn gait! The " Apatick " track instead seems like it could have been gleaned directly from a Ritchie Hawtin or Thomas Brinkmann production. This release definitely doesn't deserve to pass by unnoticed ( just like every other Delectable release however ;))) )


  1. Claymore
  2. Apatick


The music produced by Delectable will be distribuited through the world's most famous and declared music sites, distributors and online stores such as Beatport, Junodownload and Djdownload and billed on music magazines and radios worldwide.


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